Poly's Shave Soap
A bed beardtime story:
It is 1919, Devils Slide, Utah. Alberico “Poly” had a flair for life, he always took time to look his best before going out to the world. With his pomade and comb in his pocket and his fishing rod on one hand and a grandson on the other, he was ready to go out and teach the art of fishing and being a man. Though life has changed, we can be reminded of a better time when all we had was grandpa, a fishing rod, and time.
Scent Profile: Bergamot, Basil Leaf, Oakmoss, White Patchouli, Cherry Almond
For the man who treats shaving as a regimen... or a ritual. He has the best shaving brush... and now he needs the best Shaving Soap.
Our Shaving Cream Soap is a hybrid soap -- that lathers quickly and provides a superior shaving experience. (Cream Soap = formulated with both Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide)
6 oz jar -- will last a very long time!
Ingredients: Stearic Acid, water, coconut oil, shea butter, potassium hydroxide, glycerin, sodium hydroxide, castor oil, fragrance.